UFCP Client Requests

Calgary: 403.290.1384

Edmonton: 780.431.1235

Halifax: 902.455.4448

Vancouver: 604.326.5601

Victoria: 250.388.0832

All other cities: 1.800.406.0014

Phone Numbers

Toll Free: 1.800.406.0014

Local: 1.902.455.4448

Fax Toll Free: 1.888.724.6888

Fax Local: 1.902.422.7742

Email Address

General Inquiries: info@ufcp.ca

Estimate requests: estimates@ufcp.ca

Guarantee inquiries gaurantee@ufcp.ca

Head Office

3667 Strawberry Hill Street, Suite 101
Halifax, NS
B3K 5A8

Jan 03, 2022

What do paint, Summer, and a student have in common? They are the Student Manager role tied into one!

From the moment you step into the interview to your first estimate, our dedicated team of professionals is there to support you in every way.

The great thing about our Student Manager role is that anyone can be one regardless of experience.

You can enhance your education with a business experience to complement your engineering, science or arts program or as you complete your business degree, you can apply what you learn in school and use it to run a business.

During the second semester, we host our training sessions to prepare you for the start of the season. This training is designed to accommodate students with busy scholastic schedules maintaining these as the priority. Once school ends you will start your student manager position. At end of the season, you will have gained real experience in Human Resources, Customer Service, Marketing, Sales, Project management and Business Management.

University First Class Painters will give you the skills you need to succeed in running a business in the summer and in the future!

As a student manager this summer, you would have learned:

  • How to manage your team
  • Critical thinking
  • Solution management
  • Project Management
  • Selling skills
  • And many more!

These skills are not just relevant to running a business, they are skills that are assets no matter what you end up doing. If this sounds like something you’d love to do, email us at info@ufcp.ca!