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3667 Strawberry Hill Street, Suite 101
Halifax, NS
B3K 5A8
University First Class Painters offers an advanced training course for all returning managers. The Executive Management Program (EMP) is a training event designed to achieve the next level of financial and entrepreneurial success for our Canadian student managers.
The EMP’s main goal is to have a manager leave the programme with the understanding, knowledge, and skill to achieve a higher level of success in the upcoming season. The programme also provides them with some big picture viewpoints and long-term strategies for their personal goals.
Self-Analysis: Managers look at the reasons for their success and failures to understand what they need to repeat and upon what they need to improve.
Enhancement of Knowledge: The EMP will provide a higher level of product, service, and organisational knowledge, providing managers with the tools for growth within their business.
Sharing of Knowledge and Experience: Groups of managers sharing their experiences and knowledge are key elements in the EMP’s success.
High-Level Instruction: An integral part of the EMP strategy is providing knowledge from senior management within UFCP, Dulux, and General Paints/Sherwin Williams, along with experts from RBC, Investment Brokerages, mortgage specialists, and other specialists.
Big Picture Vision: The EMP provides managers with an understanding of the opportunity they have today within their business and can provide them with a lifetime of benefits well beyond their initial goals.
Plan Creation: Managers create a business plan that acts as a blueprint to achieve higher-level goals.
Follow-up from the EMP: Providing performance appraisals, feedback, and general guidance beyond the EMP weekend is a key component of the programme. The programme creates an open line of communication for managers with senior levels of management.